Friday, November 20, 2015

Get up. Get dress. Paint.

Getting myself in right frame of mind to paint with Rae Missigman’s 15 MINUTES OF MIXED MEDIA proved challenging this morning.   I just wasn’t feeling it.  My left brain wouldn’t let go of all the things I had to get done over the weekend, mostly teaching stuff which I have started resenting for taking up so much of my unpaid time.  I started the morning distracted, searching through Amazon to see if any of the prices had gone down on my wish list.  I dragged myself back to preparing to paint as soon as I caught myself and began the process of getting supplies out.

That feeling of resentment was weighing down on me, its weight heavy and thick, muddling my thoughts.   I performed a brief space clearing, turned on the small fountain and salt lamp on the altar then lit a candle with the intention of releasing this consuming bitterness.  Feeling somewhat better I picked up a paint brush and began. 
For this page she glued in pieces of decorative paper napkin instead of collage paper.  I just completed creating a napkin art journal leaving me with a bag of colorful scraps.  I love serendipitous moments like this!

My usual helpers were keeping me company.  Allistair was behaving himself, napping in his basket rather than on the computer key pad.  I gave Cleopatra treat bone to keep her busy while I painted.

The carnage


  • I love using paint pens but get frustrated when they refuse to paint smoothly. I noticed her having problems with her's not wanting to write,  It made me feel better knowing it's not just me.

Permission to Play Workshop

I was not in the right frame of mind to "play" but I had been looking forward to lessons 2 and 3 all week.  Thinking if I played, playfulness would certainly happen.  Ha!  I ended up getting frustrated, created a HUGE mess, and not liking any of pages.

To make the situation worse, I had to clean all those stamps, a chore I am NOT fond of.

Writing this, I'm wondering what creative chore/task do you dislike having to do?  Do you find yourself putting it off or do you tackle it straight away so it's done?

Joining Paint Party Friday where having paint under the fingernails is the norm.  What colors are under yours?


  1. Beautiful work, glad you over came yourself. Lovely photos of your companions. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. For me, getting down to writing lately has been almost none existent. I get out the paints and have a more enjoyable time. But then i spend too much time online - avoiding my writing. Ugh.
    Love your journal spreads!

  3. love the final work piccies, glad to see that you kept at it. I hate to put things away, im a kinda push it back person, then I run out of room and it takes a whole day to sort the dam mess out !!

  4. Love seeing your journal pages and your art-making space! I love how art making can be therapeutic. This may sound funny, but I HATE having to wash all the layers of paint and glue, etc off my hands after I am finished. Some of it has to be scrubbed off and then it ends up under my fingernails - ugh. So I like to keep a wet paper towel on my work table and wipe the paint off as I go. I still wash my hands after, but this way its so much quicker!

  5. Wonderful page! Teachers are so undervalued!! I knew a guy who said he made the same money in his delivery truck but at least he punched out at the end of the day. When he was a teacher is was early mornings and late nights and all day long!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. I love the energy and colors in your journal spread-really super! I also like how you cleared some space and used it to ease your state of mind. Your art space is great too-full of art and supplies to play with. Nice to have such well behaved buddies with you too!

  7. I understand how you feel when no matter how hard you try you end up with nothing. We all have those days ,I think. Your journal pages look great. I think I see some of Roben marie Smith's influence there. Thank you for your kind comments over at my place.

  8. A fantastic workzone and beautiful art buddies! Your pages look very good !
    Happy new week to you!

  9. I love seeing that I am not the only one who sometimes just isn't feeling it...but the exercise is in place for a reason and I applaud your get up and go! Thank you for sharing! xx Rae

  10. I can relate to all you say Diane,
    I think we all have times when everything just doesn't come easy but then there are the times when it all does.
    You certainly have an amazing creating space and your art is so clearful and bright.
    Love your furry friends too
    I hope you have a great creative week next week ;D


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