Friday, May 23, 2014

Finding my way towards the end of the week

With my performance portfolio completed and the Spring Journal sent on to its new owner, I feel lighter and my mind is better able to cope with the endless To Do list that seems to take on a life of its own when spring arrives and the neglected yard is screaming for attention.

I love the changes in light now that spring is here, especially in the morning.  On my drive to work I look forward to seeing the sun rise over the fields.  On this particular morning the sun was trying to break through the fog creating a fabulous photo op.

On my way home I noticed the sun’s ray shooting out between the clouds.

Allistair has some very quirky habits that always make me laugh.  He loves to “sneak” dog food.  He puts his paw in the bowl, cups it, then draws a single kibble out to eat.

He did not get the memo that reads cats don’t like water.  He loves to play with the water in the kitchen sink.  Instead of simply sipping the running water out of the faucet, he uses his paw to get a drink, 

The lilacs are out.  Nothing makes me happier than their intoxicating scent.

I planted these tulips the fall my son Zachary was sent to Afghanistan.  When they make their annual appearance I am reminded how much I needed to see them that first spring; they eased my worries just enough to help me get through.  I still find myself looking forward to their yellow blooms signaling that spring has finally arrived.

What finds did you discover this week?

Joining the fun of sharing our week’s finds with Kim Klassen at Friday Finds.


  1. I love that it is light so much earlier in the morning now. Makes me happy to greet the day. What a wonderful thing those tulips are.

  2. Early morning light is just the best it means another day of opportunity .

  3. Gorgeous early morning photos - they make me feel like anything is possible!

  4. Wow such gorgeous photos and I had to laugh at the cat, my sister's cwt is funny like that. I have a dog as I'm allergic to cats :-(. I would love to swap ATCs with you if you still want to swap just email me. Happy Woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  5. Gorgeous cloud shot and edit.
    Allistar is a funny cat. Loved the water shots.
    Pretty tulips and lilac. I love lilacs but the scent gets to my allergies.

  6. Cute kitty. Sunrises are such lovely things to enjoy.


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